Instagram Bio is one of the first and key content your potential followers, clients, or buyers will see when they visit your Instagram profile. Besides good profile pictures and quality content, Instagram Bio is a short meet with you, your business, your content, etc. So, how to make the perfect Instagram Bio in 5 easy steps?
1. Sell your Instagram profile and story, not your products!
Instagram Bio is not where you will sell your products or services. For that part, we will use quality Instagram content and CTA (I will write Blog text for this theme, especially). Instagram Bio is a short meeting between a potential follower and you. The primary point is that your potential follower presses the Follow button after reading your Bio. That way, you will make a significant base of followers and fans interested in your content. When you get a base of followers from your niche with quality content, you will direct them to your website to sell them your product or services.
2. The main question you must ask yourself before writing the perfect Instagram Bio!
“What would make my target audience click the Follow button after reading my Instagram Bio?” That’s the question that you must answer by yourself. Start with yourself. If you are interested in some product or something you will follow, what will make you press the Follow button after reading Instagram Bio? Is that maybe an interesting emoji, slogan, creativity, simplicity of biography, etc.? Help for this step is in the next paragraph.
3. Use competitors and teach from them!
Competitors are not there just for the market competition. Competitors are there to see what works well and attract the same target audience. First, look at the Instagram Bio of your competitors in your niche. If you manage the Instagram profile of a pastry shop, of course, you will look at Insta Bio from other domestic and foreign pastry shops. You will not look at Instagram profiles with 100-200 followers and profiles with more followers, likes, and comments; that’s a sign that they have a significant base of fans behind them. Don’t limit yourself only to pastry shops. You can also get ideas from Food Bloggers, restaurants, pizzeria, cafes etc. For each one, look at what you like and what attracts you and write it down. Once you have collected all the ideas, modify and adapt to your business and target group and put your unique stamp on it. You get even better by gathering ideas from the best, editing them, and putting a personal stamp on them.
4. Use appropriate emojis
Emoji is an integral part of most business and personal Instagram profiles. Their advantage is that they can save a certain number of letters in the Instagram Bio through a simple picture. The simplest example is if you want to list an email address in your Instagram Bio, instead of “email address:” you will put a letter emoji and then write your email address. If you are a photographer, you will use the camera emojis. They are helpful when you write an Instagram biography but must also be moderate, and you should not overdo it with them.
5. Two types of Instagram Bio and Call to Action (CTA)
There are two popular types of Instagram Bio: one is a “one / two” biography, and the other one is a biography called a “list.”
- As for the first option, the point is in two sentences. The first sentence should answer the question, “Who are you, and what do you do?“. And the second is “What followers will get by following your profile?“.
- Regarding the “list” Insta biography, which is my popular, you list everything necessary, one below the other in the lines.
As for the call to action (CTA), it goes as the last sentence in the Insta biography! You must ask yourself, “What is your link about?” and “What do followers get by clicking on your link?” It would be best to convince them they immediately get a specific value by clicking on your CTA link. Here are some examples of good CTA:
- Want to master Photoshop in just 30 days for free? Here is how you can do that!
- Join by clicking “brand name” and get a coupon with a 50% discount on our products.
- By clicking on the link in Insta Bio, you will get the first photo session for free.
I hope these tips help you create a perfect Instagram Bio that rocks and attracts new followers. I will continue with the latest Instagram marketing topics next week; you can find them here. To keep up with the latest Instagram and marketing tips, follow me on my Instagram profile @dusanpranj.